Grand Hotel Stamary Zakopane
If you stay in Stamary you can take BMW for test-drive (from 9 till 18).
A 37 m del hotel
Tadeusza Kościuszki 19
Una guía para encontrar alojamientos fantásticos cerca de Grand Hotel Stamary
If you stay in Stamary you can take BMW for test-drive (from 9 till 18).
A 37 m del hotel
Tadeusza Kościuszki 19
A 105 m del hotel
Kościuszki 20
There are buses to Krakow every 30 min. 15zl. Check at the back of the bus station, the bus will have a Krakow sign and you can get tickets once you're on it.
A 226 m del hotel
Kościuszki 23
Great veal steak with Gorgonzola sauce, good Spritz, cozy and warm atmosphere and amazing view over the mountain range
A 247 m del hotel
Sienkiewicza 10
You can take a shower after all day hiking before travel. Price: 10 PLN
A 359 m del hotel
Chramcówki 35
Great food! Excellent beef steak, winter gazpacho and pierogies with pesto
A 392 m del hotel
ul. Jagiellońska 18
It is one of the best restaurant I have ever visited. Not just in Zakopane but in general ! Amazing food , romantic interior and super friendly staff. You just cannot feel bad there.
A 0.7 km del hotel
Krupówki 63
Fantastic atmosphere on the small stage!
A 0.8 km del hotel
Chramcówki 15
Bardzo dobra lokalizacja. W zasadzie na Krupowkach, a zupelnie poza tym gwarem i masami turystow. Fajny basen, dobre sniadania.
A 0.8 km del hotel
M.Zaruskiego, 5
A must see, one of a kind instaclassic, a rough diamond, a place to experience. An island of awesome in a sea of mass-produced highlander style boredom. Great food too!
A 2.5 km del hotel
Balzera 17E